About Us

Welcome to Stories of Berlin! Our small documentary project, through which we want to share with you the beauty in diversity and everyday-life details of people living in this city. Different cultures, backgrounds, mindsets but with the same connecting element – Berlin…A vibrant city whose soul is made by the stories of everyone staying here…

In the very first days of my stay in Berlin, I was amazed by its pulsing energy, diversity, and freedom, and I immediately knew that I would never be judged here for almost anything…. There is no single right way to do things in Berlin, just to be yourself and live according to your own patterns. And these authentic and unique ways of living are exactly what make Berlin the way it is. In just a few days, I’ve met so many interesting people, some of them brought me a different point of view on things, and it occurred to me that it would be a shame not to share their thoughts, opinions, and stories with you… 

I think that different ways of living and mindsets are what inspire us and awaken more empathy and tolerance in us, which is sometimes lacking in today’s world. And that is why we would like to share these stories with you. Maybe they can somehow surprise, inspire you, or just make you smile. Different lives but one common element – Berlin, a city where the voices are echoing.

Our Team


Our energetic main writer and photographer, who talks to all the interesting people of Berlin and collects their stories.


Our amazing editor of texts, corrector and social media advisor.


Our crative website designer, filmmaker and sometimes photographer.